@article{oai:rctoyota.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000055, author = {小野田, 咲 and ONODA, Saki and 長江, 美代子 and NAGAE, Miyoko}, issue = {1}, journal = {日本赤十字豊田看護大学紀要, Journal of Japanese Red Cross Toyota College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究は、質的記述的研究方法を用いて精神障がい者のための地域生活支援の現状について把握し必要な支援を明らかにした。地域活動支援センターと訪問看護のスタッフ4 名を対象に、役割・活動・今後の課題について半構成的個人インタビューを実施した。テーマ分析の結果、施設に共通の役割として、精神障がいの【再発予防】【早期介入】精神障害者の【活動の場の提供】、その具体的な活動として【生活支援】【家族支援】【連携】【啓発】【心理教育】が抽出された。今後の課題としては【人員不足】【生活支援の枠組みがない】【家族への支援体制が確立されていない】【連携のムラ】【地域住民への理解が不十分】【精神障がい者のホームヘルプサービスの介入数が少ない】【3 ヶ月で早期退院という国の体制】などが報告された。国が実際の現場の声・ニーズ、現状から事業の必要性をしっかりと把握し、十分な支援体制が作れるようにする必要がある。, The purpose of this study is to describe the existing support for the mentally ill people who are out of hospital and living in their community. As convenience samples, four staff members from the Comprehensive Support Center and the Visiting Nurse Station were interviewed. The interview was a semi-structured interview based on a qualitative description research design and was done individually face-to-face. Data was thematically analyzed. The findings are as follows: the roles of institutes and their staff are relapse prevention, early intervention, and place for activities and gathering; provided services are support for living, family support, interdisciplinary networking, information provision, and psycho-education; and problems to solve were: staff shortage, no framework of support for living, underdeveloped family support system, unequal networking, lack of understanding among community, and unavailable intervention by home helpers. The support system in the community should meet the various needs of mentally ill people who are out of hospital. Further studies will be necessary to explore how the system can function for the better services in conformity to the governmental regulation.}, pages = {21--30}, title = {精神障がい者が継続して地域で生活できるための支援活動の現状と課題}, volume = {6}, year = {2011} }