@techreport{oai:rctoyota.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000273, author = {坪之内, 千鶴 and TSUBONOUCHI, Chizuru}, month = {Jun}, note = {90449497, 日本赤十字豊田看護大学, 通院中の統合失調症と気分障害の患者に、生活上の出来事や経験、悩みや困難を語ってもらい紙面( 患者カルテ) にまとめた。調査の結果、①「患者カルテ」は、患者の心の問題を語れる「居場所」となった、②看護師との対話により、患者は受け入れられ、共感され、話を聞いてもらえた実感を得て、治療効果につながった、③病気への対処法の自分なりの指標を持てた。「患者カルテ」を用いた合同ミーティングに は、患者、家族、医療者が参加し、患者の状況や心理を共有し、患者や家族が抱える問題を全員で考えることができた。研究者は、家族との距離の保ち方、患者のもつ強みに気づく大切さを学び、患者を支えるネットワークの拡充を図れた。, Outpatients of schizophrenia and mood disorder visiting the university hospital were interviewed by nurses to produce a record (Patient Record, PR) of their everyday life, suffering, and prospects of improvement. The results: ① PR became “a place to come back” for each patient. ② The patients felt accepted and supported by medical staff. Writing PR together with the nurse contributed to their improvement. ③ The patients acquired own guideline for coping with problems. Joint Meetings (JM) were held afterward for the patient, family, and medical staff, using contents of PR. JM offered a chance for participants to exchange opinions about their problems in a collaborative air. Through JM, we researchers learned to keep a suitable distance with patient' s family and the importance of finding strength of patients to enhance their socialties., application/pdf, 16K15975}, title = {精神科看護における「患者カルテ」の使用とその治療的効果に関する研究}, year = {2019} }