@article{oai:rctoyota.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000191, author = {横江, 正道 and YOKOE, Masamichi and 関, 行雄 and SEKI, Yukio and 小瀬, 裕美子 and KOSE, Yumiko and 古尾, 麻紀 and FURUO, Maki and 伊藤, 義高 and ITO, Yoshitaka and 杉本, 憲治 and SUGIMOTO, Kenji and 七里, 守 and NANASATO, Mamoru and 小笠原, 智彦 and OGASAWARA, Tomohiko and 稲熊, 大城 and INAGUMA, Daijo and 安藤, 恒三郎 and ANDO, Tsunesaburo}, issue = {1}, journal = {日本赤十字豊田看護大学紀要, Journal of Japanese Red Cross Toyota College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 医師になったばかりの初期研修医にとって、医療の現場は決して安全な場所とは言えず、医療ミスや医療事故を防止するための教育が必要である。現場に出る直前のオリエンテーションでは、自分たちが起こしうるミスを考えさせるとともに、先輩研修医のインシデントを供覧することで、現場に出るとどうなるのかを学ばせた。しかし、単なる座学だけでは研修医の医療安全に対する意識は大きく変わらないと考え、実体験を伴ったシミュレーション教育が効果的と考え、当院のオリエンテーションでは患者搬送シミュレーションを取り入れている。場所、物の理解から、潜む危険性、コミュニケーションの重要性をそこから学び、医師としての活動を始めてもらっている。その活動の背景には、医療安全推進室と臨床研修部が、「研修医のころからの医療安全文化の醸成」を重要な課題と考えており、研修医にも多くの気づきがあると考えている。, New Medical Residents who graduates university a short time ago have not been familiar with patient care and patient safety at all. They needs participating in the Patient Safety Program before working in the teaching hospital to prevent from clinical incidents and accidents in the orientation. In our orientation for the newly adopted residents, the small group discussion about the mistakes and error that the residents will face after working was provided. Then after discussion, the real incident reports were shown for them, and they argued the difference between their ideas and real residents’ incidents. Exactly, only the lectures and discussions would not have big effect for them, the transfer simulation of patients were performed. In this simulation, the residents have each role of doctor, nurse, patient and observer. During simulation, they performed each role as much as they can, however, they faced a lot of difficult problem that were caused by the lack of knowledge and information and inexperience of medical facilities and equipment. From these experience of orientation, they found the pitfalls of medical site, the importance of confirmation and re-confi rmation, and adequate communication with team member. At the time of orientation when the residents work in the real situation, the simulation-based orientation has a big signifi cance for the residents to make seedlings awareness of patient safety.}, pages = {13--18}, title = {初期研修医に対する医療安全教育における臨床研修部と医療安全推進室の取り組み}, volume = {11}, year = {2016} }