@article{oai:rctoyota.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000172, author = {清水, 美代子 and SHIMIZU, Miyoko and 永井, 道子 and NAGAI, Michiko}, issue = {1}, journal = {日本赤十字豊田看護大学紀要, Journal of Japanese Red Cross Toyota College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 本研究の目的は、フィールドワークを取り入れた地域診断演習における学生の学びを質的に分析することにより明らかにし、保健師教育における効果的な地域診断演習の展開方法を検討することである。保健師教育課程専攻学生11 名の地域診断演習の学びの振り返り用紙の記載内容を分析した。その結果、【効果的な情報収集の方法】や【データの読み取りとアセスメント方法】、【事業計画の立案方法】を学んでいた。また、住民へのインタビューでは、【知識不足】や【会話の促進】といった困難を感じながらも、【自分の価値観で判断しない】で、会話の中から【住民の地域への愛着】や【地域のつながり】を感じ取っていた。フィールドワークを取り入れた地域診断演習は、地域の理解や地域をみる視点を養うだけでなく、地域を知るという過程を通して、地域への興味・関心が引き出され、学習成果にもつながるものと思われた。学生が課題とした情報収集力やアセスメント力は講義の中で事例を提示したり、保健関連統計データと地域住民の声を関連づけ、それらを統合させて地域の健康課題の理解を促すように教授方法を工夫する必要がある。, The purpose of this research is to clarify students ’ learning in community diagnosis practice through field work using qualitative analysis and examine how to develop an effective method of community diagnosis practice in public health nursing education. Analysis was performed on the description of review forms filled by 11 students majoring the public health nurse education curriculum. As the result, students were learning “ effective methods to collect information ” , “ ways of data reading and assessment ” , and “ methodology of preparing business plans ” . During the interview, they felt “ lack of knowledge ” and some difficulty to “ facilitate communications ” . But they did not “ judge the people by their own values ” and got the sense of “ residents ’ emotional attachment to their communities ” , and “ interaction among the residents." During community diagnosis practice incorporating field work, they showed an improvement in their understanding and perception of the communities. In addition, they developed their interests and concerns with the communities through the process of getting in touch with them. Such experiences seemed to lead to outstanding learning outcome. Students made it their issue to upgrade their ability to collect and assess data properly. It will therefore be necessary to work on teaching methods so that good examples are presented during lectures, health-related statistical data are associated with local views, and students are encouraged to integrate what they learned and understand the issue of health in the communities.}, pages = {123--134}, title = {フィールドワークを取り入れた地域診断演習における学生の学び}, volume = {10}, year = {2015} }