@article{oai:rctoyota.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000171, author = {初田, 真人 and HATSUDA, Masto and 石垣, 和子 and ISHIGAKI, Kazuko}, issue = {1}, journal = {日本赤十字豊田看護大学紀要, Journal of Japanese Red Cross Toyota College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 訪問によるケアを提供している看護職者の認識から統合失調症をもつ人のエンパワメントを明らかにすることを目的に、看護職者11 名を対象に半構造化面接を行った。分析の結果、安心感を求められず不安、人間関係を築けない、症状による精神的な追いつめ、活動や就職のあきらめ、家族に従わざるをえない思い、家族関係のきしみ、活動や役割を果たす機会を選択できない、自己評価の低下の8つのパワレスのテーマ、安心できる人間関係の構築、希望に沿った行動拡大、苦悩への守りながらの対処、揺れながらの関係性の受容、家族とのすれ違いを越えた他者肯定、理解の有無に関わらない地域生活、迷惑を避けた活動と役割、新たな方向性の発見の8つのエンパワメントのテーマが明らかになった。自己が安定して存在できる場所とバランスをとりながら存在する方法を見つけることにより地域で能動的に生きていく力を取り戻すことが統合失調症をもつ人のエンパワメントであると考えられた。, The purpose of this study is to clarify powerless and empowerment of users with schizophrenia who have received visiting care. Participants were 11 visiting nurses who provided mental health care; all had at least 5 years of nursing experience and 3 years of experience with people who had mental illness. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews.  Powerless could be divided into eight categories (feeling uneasy; difficulty with human relations; mental difficulty by symptoms; stopping to get activity and work; users ’ thought that they can ’t help following their family; perplexity occurred among users ’ family; no chance to get users ’ activity and role; a decline of own evaluation) and empowerment could be divided into eight categories (fostering human relations for signs of relief; expansion of activity based on hope of users; to avoid users ’ own suffering, protecting themselves; to accept the relationship in spite of a hesitation; to accept users ’ family members by dissolution of passing between users and others; living in users ’ community even if the understanding from others is provided or not; users ’ activity and role causing no trouble to anyone; to discover new possibilities).  Empowerment of users with schizophrenia was thought to take back their power to live actively in the community.}, pages = {109--121}, title = {訪問によるケアを提供している看護職者が認識する統合失調症をもつ人のエンパワメント}, volume = {10}, year = {2015} }